Thursday, March 24, 2011

Making Friends

I'm happy to report that Days 2, 3 and 4 of Program went just as well and he even had the van transport (to and from!). Robert told me after his first day that he had met an "Eric" who was very nice and polite.

On Day 2 Robert again told me he met an "Eric" in the van who also was nice and polite. I don't know if there are two Erics or if, as a friend suggested, there is one Super Eric.

Either way it's a win and Robert has a new friend (or two?).

Tomorrow is “Prom” at Program and Robert has his Sunday Best all laid out for him. I confirmed he would get a shower tonight so he would be smelling his best. He was happy that his bandage has been taken off his head (and I’m happy his laceration is healing properly).

I am so relieved that Robert is busy during the day and talking to people and making friends and having fun.

I would be lost without my friends and am grateful Robert is starting to have a few of his own.

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