Because I know how caregiving can get in the way of the best of intentions, I am flexible with the deadline and the deadline to submit has been extended to January 28.
The Love book will include your stories, poems, photos or artwork about love and caregiving. Love has its ups and downs, challenges and rewards when caregiving – sometimes we even wonder where the love goes! This book will explore as many shapes love comes in as possible. Whatever love means to you or the one you care for will be shared with other caregivers.
An added benefit of sharing our caregiving stories through these books is seeing we are not alone.
What we experience, others experience.
What we share helps us (because it’s good to get it out!) as well as others – in more ways than one: the money we raise through the CareGifters Book Series, goes toward the CareGifters Program which helps caregivers in need.
Please see below for complete submission guidelines from Caregiving.com:
1. Your submission must be 1,500 words or less.
2. Your submission, in the form of an essay, short story,
narrative or poem, must be related to the book’s theme of “Love.”
3. Your submission is, in essence, a donation. With your
submission, you acknowledge you will not receive reimbursement upon the book’s
4. We may not be able to include all submissions in the
book. We will notify you whether or not your story will be included by January 29. Each published submission will feature the author’s by-line, bio and
website link (if applicable).
5. To enter a submission, email your story by January 28 to
love_story@caregiving.com. Please only attach Word or .txt documents (no PDFs).
Include your name and phone number in your email.
I look forward to including your stories in our book!
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