
Monday, December 7, 2015

Caregiving Blog Party 2015

It is that time of year! Grab a cup of hot cocoa, a bag of tiny marshmallows (oh yes, I said a bag) and a few candy canes.  We are going to have fun this week!

Every year, Denise Brown hosts a Blog Party through her site for caregivers,  There are several other participants, including my husband who writes at and friends Kaye Swain ( and Shelley Webb (The Intentional Caregiver) along with many others.

Of course, no party is complete without prizes and presents! 

This week I will be talking about holidays, decorating, medications and advocacy and anything else that might come up (in caregiving, you never know). Each day I will give you a chance to win a copy of my book, “Forever a Caregiver,” – all you have to do is leave a comment on one of the blog posts.  At the end of the week, Richard and I will give away a grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card. Visit either one of our sites to enter – just make sure you leave a comment in order to be eligible to win!

I am excited to participate again in this fun event and looking forward to reading the blogs of fellow caregivers. Getting a variety of perspectives during the holidays and during a caregiving situation is both helpful and unifying. 

To me, this season is all about being helpful and loving and giving and hopeful and bringing people together.  (I don’t expect much, do I?)

These may be high expectations for the season but we need as much goodwill and kindness now and all year long!

We just might need two bags of marshmallows . . .  


  1. Hi Trish -- I've been a member of for a couple of years and blog regularly there. I'm also an active participant on, the Pancreatic Cancer Forum, and the ACOR pancreatic cancer listserve. I'm also a member of a Cancer Care online support group for spouses and family members of pan can patients. I'm glad to learn about your site; I'm always looking for new caregiving resources. I care for my husband, who was diagnosed -- you guessed it -- with pancreatic cancer a little over two years ago.

    I look forward to checking out your site!

    Happy Holidays!

    Shelley aka Hussy

  2. Hi, Shelley! Thanks so much for reading and posting a comment! The Blog Parties are a fun way to get to know other caregivers. You are the winner of my daily book give-away! Please email me at so I can get your address. Thanks and looking forward to reading more from you on

  3. Hi Trish! I've been a member of since 2009 and just the past year and a half have been back active with the site. Thank you for participating in the blog party. We are also neighbors. I live in Stockton, just down the road. I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Have a great day.

  4. Hi, Lilli! Happy to have you as a neighbor! Stockton is not too far away at all. I like keeping up with your stories and your posts on and Facebook.

    You are the winner for Tuesday! Please email me at with your contact information and I will send you a copy of my book. Congratulations!

    Take care,


  5. Nice to "meet" you through the blog party.

  6. Hi Trish! Just hopping over to say "hi!" from Seniors Flourish. We are also participating in's blog hop. It really has been great to meet other caregivers and connecting! Happy Holidays!

  7. Hi Trish!

    So glad you continue to party with us!! Thanks so much for all you do.

    Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season.

  8. Hi, Liz!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog party! I don't know about you but I don't think I had near enough hot chocolate. :-)

    You were the Thursday winner of my book! Please email me your address and I will get it in the mail to you. I can be reached at

    Thanks again for stopping by!


  9. Thank you to Seniors Flourish for stopping by! The beauty of the blog party is it tends to continue even after it officially ends. I will definitely visit your site this week and plan to post links to everyone's website if that is okay with you!

    Thanks again!


  10. Denise,

    Thanks for stopping by for some hot cocoa! :-) As you may have guessed, we are still decorating! I think we will be up until December 24. Oh goodness - I can't help myself!

    You already have a copy of my book but I am happy to send you another copy if you'd like. I will put you in the hat for the Amazon gift card for sure!


  11. Richard and I just drew the name for the $25 Amazon gift card winner and the winner is . . . . (drumroll, please) . . . :


    Congratulations, Lilli!

    Send me your address and I'll send the gift card with the book.

    How fun!

