
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Conversations

The holidays give us plenty of family time. Sometimes the results are cherished.  Sometimes they are frustrating and sometimes they are just hilarious. Sharing a few of the Christmas-centered conversations we’ve had this month:

Choices, choices!
Me: We should get a smaller tree this year. It’ll be easier to put up since the kids are out of the house.

Richard: What?! Get a smaller tree?! We’ve never had a smaller tree!

Me: Okay. That’s fine – I was just thinking it would be better for you and not cause you more back pain.

(After a five minute drive to Lowe’s):

Richard: Maybe we should get a table top tree. Taz won’t bother it then.

Me: What?! Are you crazy!? Why would we do that? We can’t have a table top tree!

Result: We bought a 10 foot tree for the front room and a 5 foot tree for the family room where Robert spends most of his time. So much for our big ideas for smaller trees!

Getting those cards done!
As I am putting lights on the smaller tree and Robert is working on his Christmas cards:

Me: Robert, what do you think of the tree?

Robert: I can’t see it with you standing in front of it.

Um . . . the tree is not that tiny and I am certainly not that big!

Stockings for everyone!

Me: Robert, remember my friend, Pegi, whose husband is sick? Well, he’s back in the hospital and his wife is very worried about him. Can you pray for him again?

Robert: I will. What are their names again?

Me: Pegi and Jimmy. Pegi says she believes you have a direct line to God and that when you pray, he listens and it helps her husband.

Robert: Tell her thank you. I will pray for both of them.

Trish and Rachel in the Christmas Spirit

Richard: Robert, it looks like Santa left some presents under the tree for you.  Have you been good this year?

Robert: Yes. I’ve been good.

Richard: I don’t know if I’ll get any presents.  I might have been naughty.

Robert: No, you were excellent.

Richard: What about Trish?

Robert:  She was very excellent.

Our yard in 2012 - looks very similar in 2013 . . . 
Driving Robert around looking at Christmas lights, Robert gave a running commentary on all lights. His opinion ranged from nice to very nice to beautiful. What? No excellent?

When we arrived home, Richard asked Robert how the lights were. Robert’s response: Excellent!

That's what I was looking for!

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas!  If you don’t celebrate Christmas, I wish you a wonderful season, a belated happy Hanukah and the most excellent New Year! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this most excellent post!!! :-D Made me laugh out loud and put a smile on my face for the rest of the day!
    Have a truly wonderful Christmas Trish! ♥
