
Sunday, December 9, 2012

It’s Party Time!

For someone who claims to be fairly anti-social and introverted (me), I do love a good Christmas party!  We have two parties planned for today as well as one or two several items left over from my to-do list yesterday. 

Our first party is the online “ Progressive Blog Party.” 
I participated last year and had so much fun!  I was introduced to new sites helpful to caregivers as well as had fun visiting other caregivers with their own blogs.  It’s interesting to visit the other caregiver blogs because I learn so much more about caregiving!  Whether it’s how to have a sense of humor even while watching Hubby disappear into Lewy Body dementia or learning how to gain the strength it takes to help your child through an undiagnosed heart defect which eventually led to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and a possible future heart/lung transplant or teaching how to take a calm, healthy approach to caregiving while also educating about senior LGBT caregiving issues, all have something for someone.  
Other caregivers are participating as well and more usually join throughout the week.  If you are a caregiver and want to join, please visit here to find out all the details.
Oh!!  And there are prizes!  Who doesn’t love to get a gift at the holidays (or any time!). is hosting this blog party and there are door prizes for visiting and commenting on that site. 
Party two is going to be a little trickier.  Robert was congested yesterday but didn’t seem to be feeling too sick.  He even got a few of his Christmas cards done (Okay, he did five.  Five!  Considering his list has grown to 40+ over the last few years, some people may be getting Easter cards).  He loves doing the cards (I’ve asked him if he wanted to skip it and he always says, “no.”).  He also likes to write a personal note in the cards.  A long note.  A painstakingly very long note.  He can’t just write, “Love, Robert.” 
Easter is our goal date now . . .
This morning, Robert woke up with a fever, cough and one of his eyes almost swollen shut (which I’m assuming is from a sinus infection).  I’m letting him sleep in and haven’t yet made the call whether or not we attend Party Two.  Hubby’s family gets together for great food (they never disappoint in that area!) as well as a fun ornament exchange.  Robert is always invited and it’s fun to see people I don’t get to see often enough.  Hubby and I usually keep our eyes out for clever ornaments throughout the year so we can pick just the right one for the party. I would hate to miss it but, unfortunately, caregiving throws a lot of curve balls and doesn’t really care what time of year it is (or what party might be missed).   
I’m hoping Robert will be feeling better with a little more sleep.  There’s the promise of meaty lasagna which he will not want to miss!  Robert is definitely not anti-social or introverted – the boy loves a party and, well, food. 
Plus, he has to get better so he can work on more of his Christmas/Easter cards today!
Hope you can join us this week for the holiday (blog) party!


  1. Oh I DO hope Robert was well enough to attend Party #2!

    I'm sure you found an awesome ornament while you were out gallivanting across the world this past year. now I want to go!

    Robert's ahead of me on the cards. I have YET to open the box but I do have them on my mind. Of course that doesn't get them done though, does it. Mine may be 4th of July cards!

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. Kathy, Robert woke up after sleeping in a bit late and his fever had gone away and his eye looked better! Yay! We were late to the party but got there just in time for lunch. That's Robert's kind of party. :-)

    Oh my gosh. He got 9 cards done this weekend, which wasn't too bad. I only need 4 - 5 more weekends at this rate but that takes us into January! Yikes!

  3. Hi Trish!! I'm so enjoying our blog party. Thank you for being such a great hostess.

    I'm so glad Robert feels better. And, he is inspiring me to get going with my cards. Perhaps we'll both finish by Easter.

    Happy Holidays! Thanks for all you do.

  4. Denise, I'm so happy you stopped by! Thanks for this new tradition of the Holiday Blog Party. It's lots of fun to visit other caregivers and caregiving organizations!
