
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Intentions, Goals & Opportunities: What is ahead in 2012?

Robert had a haircut appointment Sunday afternoon with our favorite JC Penney hair stylist and I fully intended to bring her flowers as a small token of my appreciation for her love of Robert and as a “Happy New Year” gift.  Unfortunately, Robert had an unplanned clothing change and we were lucky we got there only ten minutes late – no time for a quick stop at the store for flowers.  (I always allow extra time for unplanned emergencies when we have appointments but this time I couldn’t accommodate both an emergency and a stop for flowers).

Sometimes, good intentions just go out the window or have to be moved to another day and time.  (Robert should be due for another haircut in a couple of months which could mean spring flowers for Salita the Stylist.)
Intentions are important to me.  I like to set goals and think of ways to achieve my goals and how I can create opportunities for myself and others.  My intended timelines don’t always go as planned but, eventually, we get there (and if I don’t want to spend another ten years writing my second book, I better get on it!).

I have a list of goals on my bulletin board next to my desk (written years ago) related to my book and I’ve left it up because I love seeing the steps crossed off.  I also love seeing the “pie in the sky” part of my goals which are not crossed off but that I wrote just for fun.  Don’t tell anyone, but these include “being on Oprah Ellen” (Oprah retired after I wrote the original goal and Ellen seems so much more relaxed anyway – I may not faint on her show).  The others are “movie” and “academy award.”  Ha – leftover dreams from my youth (not that I'm old) which I tied into the goals for my book.   How much fun is it to write these down as actual goals?  I wonder, though, what would have happened to my book if I hadn’t written down these last few goals.  Would the “publish” and “sell” part of my goals then become the impossible ones? 
I’m not taking any chances.  I’m going to dream big and set big goals.  The tough part will be to allow myself to be happy with what I’ve accomplished even if the “big ones” are left unchecked.   I’m excited about 2012 and have set both professional and personal goals (some big, some entirely realistic). 

A few of my 2012 goals (I have to admit, it's a little scary putting these out on a public bulletin board!):

1.       Find more freelance writing jobs related to epilepsy, disabilities or caregiving (goal: 5 submissions per week).

2.       Continue to write blog posts (goal: 3 per week);

3.       Put my sponsorship program into action.  Find a sponsor or two (or five) for my website that will benefit other caregivers or those living with epilepsy. 

4.       Create an Epilepsy Facts pamphlet that will be a free download on the website and that can be placed in Robert’s neurologist’s office (they have zero info on epilepsy in their waiting room right now);

5.       Participate in Epilepsy Awareness Month again this year;

6.       Have 100 “likes” on the Robert’s Sister Facebook page and 500 Twitter followers (heck, why not!); (find me as @robertssister1);

7.       Find the perfect living situation for Robert (the garage conversion isn’t looking promising);

8.       Create an outline for my Robert book (or, as Other Brother calls it, my “book of blogs.”);

9.       See some very important graduations this year!  Both daughters will be graduating from college and our son will be graduating from Boot Camp.  A year of exciting milestones for them! 

10.   Go on a trip to Europe!  The girls are planning a trip after their graduation and I would love for my husband and me to join them during their travels.  (This would be a lot easier to accomplish if that movie deal or guest spot on Ellen would come through. J )
What do you have planned for 2012?  Do you dream big or stick with realistic goals?  I’d love to hear what your intentions are for 2012. 


  1. Hey Trish:

    Knowing you... you can accomplish any and/or all of them. I must say I admire the amount of goals that you have. I guess I really should think about my goals but right now I only have a couple.

    I wish you luck with all your goals this year.

    Jane~mom to Nicole, 17 yo, VSD, PAH, Eisenmengers, BHJS
    "If you not like something change it, if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."

  2. Thank you, Jane. Let's both dream for big things this year. You are already on your way with your chair position for the conference. Great job!
