
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March Day

What? You’ve never heard of March Day? Well, to be totally honest, my middle brother (Rich) and I made it up when we were kids (please – like Hallmark never made up a holiday!). I’m not exactly sure why we created this fabulous holiday but think it had something to do with being addicted to holidays (and chocolate) and having what was perceived as an enormous holiday gap between Valentine’s Day and Easter.

When my kids were little I told them about March Day and, once they were past the whole “it’s not real, Mom (roll eyes/heavy sigh)” kick, they asked what it was supposed to be about. Good question.

To me, March Day is about making someone smile. If it also involves chocolate – all the better.

Wishing you some smiles and all the chocolate you can eat on this March Day!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo Sounds like a holiday to me.

    Also sounds like the time I walked through the bakery when my kids were young, spotted a delicious looking festive cake and asked them if I should get it. They all agreed it would be a good idea but were stumped that it was a special occasion sheet cake and there was no writing on it. How can you eat a sheet cake when it's not a special occasion?
    I informed them that it was a special day and promptly asked the woman behind the counter to write
    "Happy Thursday"
    on the cake. We went home, had supper and celebrated Thursday :)

    That was quite a few years ago and they still remember that. Even better, my oldest daughter bought a cake a few months ago and she and her children celebrated Thursday :)

    Happy March Day Robert!!
