
Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Interview -- Ack!

Oh, goodness!  I was nervous as heck but I did my first ever interview for an internet talk show through  I've posted the link on the sidebar if you are interested in listening.  It turned out to be a lot of fun -- hopefully, my nervousness didn't come through too very much.  I'm so much more comfortable writing!   Enjoy . . .

1 comment:

  1. I missed the live broadcast but went back and listened. You did GREAT!!

    Denise asked if I would participate. I was nervous to say yes because I know me,I can say something stupid and there is no backspace button on that!!!
    But of course I said I would at a later time, afterall my adoring faN (sister) will want to hear me ;-)

    Thanks for sharing it was fun!
